SEO Costa Rica: MSN Optimization at a Glance
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MSN Optimization at a Glance

By Mostafa Soleimanzadeh

If you want to be successful at the web, you shouldn't ignore optimization for MSN search engine.

MSN is the third search engine now and has emphasis on using on page optimization techniques, instead Google and Yahoo pay close attention to your incoming link anchor text, so MSN indexes more pages than other search engines, and in result you can rank your pages higher and faster in MSN search engine.

Microsoft has published guidelines for site owners. It is important for MSN that you use well-formed HTML code and don't have broken links in your pages.

They suggest to:

Use a robots.txt file to control how MSNBot indexes your site, using a robots.txt file is important for other crawlers, too.

Place descriptive content near the top of each web page and make sure each web page has a clear topic and purpose.

Add a website description into a Description meta tag. If you change your content, update your website description.

Contents are king for MSN, limit all pages to a reasonable size, whit out picture fewer than 150 KB. Add a site map; this enables MSNBot to find all of your pages easily. Choose one topic for each page.

Avoid loading pages with irrelevant words to increase a page's keyword density and don't use hidden text or links, this means you spam the MSN and they may remove you from their index.

Don't forget that MSN is a very content and keyword sensitive search engine. If you pay close attention to your keywords and content, MSN Search will reward your website with strong search engine rankings.

You can learn more about the MSN Search beta product by reading their blog located here: and their site owner suggestion guidelines are located at

On page optimization is important for other search engines too, with optimization your page for MSN your ranking will improve in other search engines.

For more information about other search engines refer to my WebSite.

Mostafa Soleimanzadeh is the owner of where you'll find articles and Free content about Search Engine Optimization strategies and Website Promotion ways. Learn How to Optimize Your Website for Higher Search Engine Rankings.

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