SEO Costa Rica: Is Content Important For Search Engines?
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Is Content Important For Search Engines?

By Vladimir Ghetau

As we all know, information is what attracts visitors. A friend of mine told me something interesting and I would like to share it with you: "Content, Vladimir, is the KING!"- Right you are, mate!

Reality, go and check! Type something in a search engine like Google, Yahoo, or whatever. Search on a specific topic. Search engines count on content when displaying results. Again... "Content is the King!".

That's why, the next thing you should do is to start thinking of the topic of your website when you want a new one. Let's concentrate on the topic, by asking you a simple question... "What's the main topic which BEST describes your website?"

Here's the John example: John is selling gardening tools. Well ...for John, the main topic of his website is "gardening". The reason I'm asking you to find a word which best describes your website is because search engines nead a reason to read the content, index it, and display it in their search results.

We'll try together to provide a good reason for each search engine, like John did. When people search for the "gardening" topic, they find John's website. Isn't that clever?

The content will directly relate to your topic. That's why the search engines will need a main keyword to show your website in search results. Let's give 'em a good reason to list your website on their first page of search results!

Our John, has chosen his main keyword: gardening. You should think of a good one, too, which best resembles your website's content. Let me give you an example...

Google declared last year that they had over 250-300 million searches per day. Well, don't belive them, other experts suspect the number is much higher.

If you come up with a good keyword for your website, you'll get a lot more visitors considering those big numbers from statistics. So, now you have the topic. John had one too - "gardening".

Let's say someone wants to find some articles about gardening. Because John was smart, he put some articles about gardening too. He wanted to share his knowledge with his visitors. It's a powerfull marketing strategy which attracts visitors. Now John promotes his gardening tools inside his articles.

But, in the same time, search engines consider that John's web site is about gardening, and because of those articles, they give more importance to this particular website and display it higher in search results.

The importance of your website for any search engine will increase if you put a little bit more information about your chosen topic.

Simply put, it's important to find a keyword which describes your business.I'll give you a bonus before the ending of this article... you'll thank me later.

Yahoo, a respectful search engine provides us a tool to see how many searches were made last month, here is the link:

By using this tool you can find a list with the number of searches during last month on a particular topic.

Google, the most "en-vogue" search engine these days, also has a unique keyword study and research tool, you can find it here:

This is a "real time" application which displays keyword suggestions and the number of web pages regarding the topic you're interested in.

Before closing: today's homework is thinking about few important keywords for your web site. When you're completely satisfied with your choices, write them down. It will be a lot easier to choose the best one from your list.

All the best...

Vladimir Ghetau

Vladimir Ghetau is specialized in professional Web Designing. He wrote the book "How To Advertise Your Business Like A PRO" which helps improving your web site traffic up to 378%. You can see work results on his web design and development website at

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