SEO Costa Rica: SEO What?
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SEO What?

By Andrew Rowe

SEO, What?? It's amazing to us that so many companies are still missing the mark when it comes to search engine optimization as a vehicle for generating leads. This is the most important guerilla marketing technique that any company can be using in today's day and age in order to generate more business for itself, yet most business owners are still skeptical about the value of good online marketing. FACT: 85% of business buyers go to a search engine to look for a vendor when they don't already have one in mind. They either used Google, Yahoo, or MSN to type in key words and find potential vendors for products and service.

If 85% of all business buyers are doing this, yet your company is still engaged in traditional advertising through yellow pages or tradeshows or direct mail or other types of vehicles like this, how is it that you can expect to grow your sales when you're not present where actual people are searching for your product and service? The great news about search engine optimization too, is that your company doesn't have to be big in order to gain a high level online presence, where organic search brings your company name up. Likewise, it doesn't have to be the biggest company in order to get to the top of the search engines, given today's pay per click campaign opportunities. So, if your company is still not doing anything to optimize its web presence by getting it optimized for search engines and indexing your website into the major search engines, and doing link building and textual optimization, you're really missing the mark.

Doing this kind of foundation work to provide for better search engine visibility for your website is not even expensive and there are plenty of search engine optimization companies out there or search engine marketers, SEOs and SEMs that are capable of doing this work. Think about how search engine optimization can help your business. Even if your company is not doing ecommerce and selling online, most companies still routinely go first to the internet to look online for vendors and they go first to your website to see what sort of a vendor you are.

So, it stands to reason, that even if you're not selling your products online, from the standpoint of an ecommerce engine, you still should be marketing your products online to generate leads and awareness for your company. So, if your company is still in the dark ages and hasn't done any work to optimize its web presence, or if your company's name is the only thing that comes up when people actively search for your company by name but they can't find you when they search for your product or service, then you've got some work to do. Now is a great time for you to think about investing a modest amount of your marketing budget into search engine optimization in order to boost your online success and lead generation.

About Cube Management: Cube Management provides sales acceleration services to emerging growth and mid-market companies in the technology, manufacturing, healthcare and business service sectors. The experts at Cube Management work across the entire spectrum of marketing, sales and business development to provide customized solutions that drive revenue and profit growth. Cube Management combines Strategy, Process & People to produce winning results.

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